
Spenden für Corona-Betroffene

Frisches Brot

Wir sind hier in Israel gerade unter totalem Hausarrest für drei Wochen. Ich bin in Migdal und versorge den Hund und die Hühner und Valerie versorgt das Haus in Jerusalem, den Garten und füttert die Katzen. Die zwei Volontäre haben ihr Visum vom Innenministerium erhalten. Leider ist für Anne Marie das Visum noch nicht im Computer auf der Israelischen Botschaft in Kopenhagen eingetroffen und für Heiko noch nicht in Berlin. Es geht uns aber trotzdem gut und ich versuche die Zeit zu nutzen mit Gebetstreffen via Zoom und Gartenarbeit. 

Warum ich schreibe hat jedoch einen anderen Grund. Ein paar Leute von meinem Hauskreis sind durch die Corona Situation in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geraten. Darum möchte ich dies mitteilen, falls jemand etwas für sie spenden möchte. Gerne stelle ich den Kontakt zu den Betroffenen her, damit ihr wisst dass das Geld angekommen ist.

Wenn du spenden willst, klicke HIER.

Invitation to a day of prayer and fasting

Pastor Surprise

Dear Friends,

some of you have been part of the prayer and fasting weeks we had many years in Israel and other Countries. Lately in January with Pastor Surprise from South Africa. We prayed especially for Israel, but also for the country’s we came from and personal prayer requests. Because of the currant travel Restrictions, it is not sure if people can come in January people to Israel. But this is a time where Israel need prayer more than ever before. For this reason, I want to prepare some days of prayer and fasting together with some African brothers, who have a lot of experience in intersession. We had already two days of prayer and fasting together with Pastor Surprise from South-Africa and Pastor Langton Gatsi from Zimbabwe. I think it was very blessed to pray together for Israel and our nation with brothers and sisters from many nations. The next day will be on Monday the 5th of October on Zoom and pastor Surprise from South Africa will join us for that day. We will have three meetings. From 7.30 to 9.30 a m Israeli time and the next on from 12 a m to 2 p.m. and the third one from 4 to 6 pm. You don’t have to be part of all the meetings and can also join, if you do not fast. The ones who prepare the meeting will fast on that day.

I will make a WhatsApp list for this day which could also continue in the future and everyone who is interested can let me know. I will send you the zoom link shortly before.

Shalom Christa Behr

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